a lunch break

an information desk

sales volume

a standing ovation: the singer received a standing ovation for her outstanding performance.

a wall outlet: my apartment doesn't have enough wall outlets for all of my appliances

gas emissions

an aisle seat

a delivery charge

a complaint department

a drug overdose

a water shortage

climate change

a speed limit

order status

tooth decay

job prospects

a token of appreciation

a student loan

leg room

voter turnout

snow flurries

credit standing: a good way to improve your credit standing is to pay all your bills on time.

a customs declaration

room temperature


deliberate: deliberate mischief 고의적인 거짓말, deliberate judgment 숙고끝의 판단, with deliberate steps 느긋한 걸음걸이 

fringe: on the fringe of the desert 사막주위에, a pond fringed with willows 버드나무가 늘어선 연못 

ripple: the ripe cornfields rippled in the wind, 수확기의 옥수수밭은 바람에 물결치고 있다, a rippling stream 잔물결소리 내는 시냇물 

           the wind rippled the curtains 바람이 불어 커튼에 잔물결을 일으켰다. 

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