a lunch break

an information desk

sales volume

a standing ovation: the singer received a standing ovation for her outstanding performance.

a wall outlet: my apartment doesn't have enough wall outlets for all of my appliances

gas emissions

an aisle seat

a delivery charge

a complaint department

a drug overdose

a water shortage

climate change

a speed limit

order status

tooth decay

job prospects

a token of appreciation

a student loan

leg room

voter turnout

snow flurries

credit standing: a good way to improve your credit standing is to pay all your bills on time.

a customs declaration

room temperature


deliberate: deliberate mischief 고의적인 거짓말, deliberate judgment 숙고끝의 판단, with deliberate steps 느긋한 걸음걸이 

fringe: on the fringe of the desert 사막주위에, a pond fringed with willows 버드나무가 늘어선 연못 

ripple: the ripe cornfields rippled in the wind, 수확기의 옥수수밭은 바람에 물결치고 있다, a rippling stream 잔물결소리 내는 시냇물 

           the wind rippled the curtains 바람이 불어 커튼에 잔물결을 일으켰다. 

'영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

동명사와 to 부정사  (0) 2018.02.06
형용사 + 명사 Collocation  (0) 2018.01.30
동사 + 명사 Collocation  (0) 2018.01.29

a common interest

modern conveniences

an outside line

a sharp contrast

a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

a natural habitat

a last resort: Many farms use pesticides as a last resort if safer methods prove unsuccessful.

full name

recycled paper

a perfect fit

a strong indication: There is a strong indication that the economy will experience a downturn by year's end.

a daunting task: Looking for a good but affordable apartment can be a daunting task.

stifling heat: Residents in this city go to the beach to get away from the stifling heat in summer.

a volatile market: In a volatile market, investors tend to prefer more stable investments.

bodily fluids

a sudden change

a feasible plan

an endangered species

an exhaustive list

a late fee

a connecting flight

a distinctive characterstic

sick leave

temporary relief

a natural aversion: Most people have a natural aversion to insects an worms

abject poverty

a regular guest

a competitive price

an indelible impression: The young genius poet made an indelible impression on the reporter who interviewed him.

an indigenous species: The brown bear is an indigenous species in the country and is protected by law.

an astute observation: In his book, the novelist made astute observations about the nature of human beings.

a good deed

prompt service

a reasonable price

a unilateral decision

a collaborative effort


amicable 우호적인 

aquittal: 무죄방면, verdict of acquittal 

brute: 짐승, 신체적, 잔인한 

capital punishment: 사형

desolate: 황량한 

dispose: dispose furniture tastefully around the room: 가구를 방에 기호에 맞게 배치하다. (배치하다)

              overwork disposes one to sickness: 과로는 병을 유발하기 쉽다. (경향을 갖게 하다)

              his encouragement disposed me for the job: 그의 격려로 그 일을 해볼 마음이 생겼다. (마음을 갖게하다)

drastic: drastic remedy 강력한 치료, take a drastic measure 과감한 조치를 취하다 

entitle: 제목을 붙이다, 자격을 주다, 부여하다. 

fastidious: be fastidious about one's apperance 외모에 까다롭다 

frugal: 검소한, 절약하는

inclement: 혹독한, 험한 <-> serene: 고요한 

lame excuse: 궁색한 변명

ostentatious 화려한, 허세부리는 

profuse: a profuse mass of curls 풍성한 곱슬머리, be profuse with one's money 돈을 아낌없이 쓰다, profuse apologies 과다한 변명 

resignation: 사퇴 

sanction: get offical sanction: 당국의 허가를 얻다 (허가)

                moral sanction: 도덕적 구속 (구속)

                sanction against desertion: 탈주에 댛나 처벌 (벌칙)

                take sanctions against [=impose sanctions on]: ~에 대해 제재 조치를 취하다 (제재)

                sanction parking on the sidewalk: 보도상의 주차를 인정하다. (인정하다, 용인하다, 시인하다)

sojourn: 머무르다 

subordinate: rules should be subordinate to reason 규칙은 이성에 따르는 것이어야한다. subordinate 종속 

tedious: the task seemed tedious to me 내게는 그 일이 지루한 것 같았다. 


A: I think there's something wrong with this phone.

B: Oh, you have to dial 9 to get an outside line

'영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

동명사와 to 부정사  (0) 2018.02.06
명사 + 명사 Collocation  (0) 2018.01.30
동사 + 명사 Collocation  (0) 2018.01.29

take a lesson 

take the initiative: Mr. Kim should often take the initiative in making contacts with patrons.

take a risk

take a supplement

take the subway 

make a living 

make a fuss

make an exception

make an apology

make a mistake 

make an accusation: A shopper made an accusation against one of our clerks.

do the laundry

do one's hair

do harm

run a test

run a business

run an advertisement

run a fever

meet one's needs

meet a deadline

deliver a message

deliver a baby

deliver a speech

deliver a verdict

receive a refund

receive a scholarship: Those who maintain an A average are eligible to receive a scholarship.

draw praise: The newspaper columnist drew praise for his perceptive comments

draw a conclusion

fill a position

fill a prescription

catch a cold

catch a flight

catch a glimpse

hold a meeting

hold a grudge

break a law

break a record

break the silence


conserve: water, fuel, energy, forests, resources, electricity, soil

preserve: one's reputation, one's honor, the sight, historical landmark, wild life, the ecosystem

'영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

동명사와 to 부정사  (0) 2018.02.06
명사 + 명사 Collocation  (0) 2018.01.30
형용사 + 명사 Collocation  (0) 2018.01.30

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